Monday, January 31, 2011

Today I Am Grateful

Sometimes Monday rolls around and I'm so bummed that the weekend is over.
Other times Monday comes and I'm so grateful for a new week.
This morning, it's the latter.
I am loving a fresh start and a brisk morning.
I woke up earlier than usual this morning and had some time to just think.
I thought about our good friends.
We have so many good people in our lives.
I appreciate their friendship and putting up with my quirks.
I will forever be grateful for their sensitivity toward our infertility.
I am in awe of their kindness and support.
And I am grateful that each time one of our friends finds out they're expecting that they take such care and precaution to make sure we know that they're pregnant, and to do so tenderly and sensitively.
My heart aches and yearns for those of you who are struggling right now with pregnancy complications, infertility, or anything else.
I tell C all the time that I wish he and I were the only ones in the world that had to be infertile.
None of you deserve it.
I want everybody to be my pregnant friends.
This week, as inspired by my good friends, I am going to work on being a better friend myself.
To my homies at school, to the strangers on the street, to my brothers and sisters at church, to my family, and especially to this guy.

I want to be the kind of friend that others are to me, because I truly have the best friends.

Happy Monday.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Light Up The Sky

For the last 6 months, actually, more than 6 months, this family has been apart.
The daddy has been overseas serving in the Airforce.
Since he left there have been lots of new changes, including a new baby girl!
It's been a rough 6 months and I am in awe that they have done it.
But they don't have to do anymore!
The daddy comes home today and I am so excited for them!
I only wish I could be there to see the look on everybody's faces.
I'm so grateful for those who serve our country, and for the families who sacrifice so much while they're mommies and daddies are gone.

Welcome Home Eric!!!!

Happy Friday.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Way I See It...

I had a pretty crappy day yesterday.
I usually refrain from such broad generalizations and conclusions, but seriously, it was a lame day.
And then, last night, I got to go to a birth-mother pamper night.
Our Adoption Agency and Families Supporting Adoption put on an awesome night where we all got to dote on birth-mothers just as they should be doted upon!
And suddenly my perspective on life changed a little bit.
I realized how beautiful life is.
And then I came home, looked around, and realized that there really is beauty all around.

I love birth-moms.
I love adoption.
I love when crappy days are over.
I love pretty things.

Happy Thursday.

P.S. If any of you ever see my on the street again **cough cough Shalyn cough cough** and don't say 'hello', you are busted!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I submit that anything with bubbles is better.
What's gum without a bubble?
What's a bath without bubbles?
And what's a Michael without some Buble?

That was a stretch and I know it.

Happy Wednesday.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hi guys, *hangs head in shame*
Sorry it's been a really long time since I posted.
I started school.
19 credit hours.
Life as I knew it is over.
The good news?
This is my last semester. Ever.
The bad news?
I ate really crappy, infertile foods last week.
I'm going to to better this week.
I put yummy, vegetabley, healthiness in my crockpot tonight.
Why the crockpot you ask?
Well because I left my house at 8:30 this morning and won't get home until 7:30 this evening.
How will this blog be seen before 7:30 this evening?
Well, that's because I'm blogging in class.
What has my life come to?!
Anyway. Just wanted to check in. I'm alive. Infertility still stinks. Faith is still alive.
I hope you all are well.
More to come soon, I promise!

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Can't Help...

Sometimes I think you have to fall in love all over again.
Not that you ever fall out of love, but even when you love your husband more than anything in the world, it is so romantic to fall in love all over again.
C and I have a silly, fun-filled, heart-warming, sensational, romantic love story and I was smart enough, for once in my life, to keep a journal through our entire dating/courtship/engagement.
I went back and read my journal entries last night, and I literally fell in love with my husband, all over again.
I loved reading about how I knew without a doubt that I loved him and I had no idea how he felt about me.
I loved reading that he brought a single rose to me the night of our first kiss.
And I loved reading the header that said "To date, this is the best day of my life" on the day that he told me he loved me.
I loved falling in love the first time, and I love getting the same butterflies each time I fall in love again.

{I don't necessarily love these pictures of me, but I think my husband looks precious in both of them. I love him.}
{Taken with my phone on date night a couple weeks ago at Yogurtini in Tempe.}

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's Me Again...

Please tell me you have melt-downs too.
Don't mention whether or not you blog about them because then I might feel REALLY stupid.
But please tell me I'm not the only one who's world ends every once in a while.

My final word on the subject of yesterday's Debbie Downer blog; I am sorry.

Moving on.
I'm back to normal, or at least as normal as I can be.
I've created a start to my menu, which for now is just a list of meals I want to make, and I've created a shopping list to go along with it. I hope you enjoy.
(I will make my list better, longer, and more organized soon.)

Green chile chicken enchiladas

Green chile

Cheddar cheese

Sour cream

Cream of chicken soup



Chicken breasts

G-ma Martin’s Enchiladas

Red enchilada sauce

Corn tortillas



Tuna Gravy Over Toast




Wheat bread

Lowe Chicken

Chicken breasts

Dry Italian dressing

Cream cheese

Cream of chicken soup


Grilled Chicken

Chicken breasts

Lemon juice


Taco Salad

Pinto beans

Black beans




Bean Bolognese


Olive oil





Bay leaf




Parmesan cheese

Bean Chile

Yellow onion

Red pepper

Jalapeno pepper


Vegetable stock


Black beans

Kidney beans

Ground cumin

Chile powder

El pato

Re-fried beans

Bean Soup

Navy beans

ham bone

diced ham


bay leaf




Wheat flour

Semolina flour





Pizza sauce


Posse Stew

Stewed tomatoes


Ranch style beans





Black beans



Sour cream

Ranch dressing



Chile Beans

Pinto beans

Brown sugar

El pato

Tomato sauce

Bean Loaf


Mashed kidney beans

Bread crumbs

Cheddar cheese

Tomato sauce


Chocolate Chile



Chicken breast





Chicken broth

Tomato sauce


Kidney beans


Sour cream

Shish Ka Bobs

Beef cubes




Happy Tuesday. And Happy First Day Of School to my fellow ASUers.

Hi, It's Me Again.

I'm back. The normal me is back.
The fairly optimistic me is back.
The Debbie Downer version of me is in the closet.
I'm sure she'll come out again another day, but NOT TODAY!
And my most sincere apologies for being such a Debbie Downer yesterday.
And the day before that.
And the day before that.
And probably the day before that.

My family rocks. They just take me as I am, and go with it. And I'm grateful for that.
I always talk about how I don't know how to get along with girls very well because I grew up with only brothers and I never really learned to hang out with girls, but then I read things that come from my mouth like yesterday when I said that I cried for 2 hours straight because I was embarrassed and I realized, I'm a total girl.

Monday, January 17, 2011


{On a Sunday afternoon walk to help clear our brains.}

I learned a few things this past week.

*I've learned that no matter how much I talk to my fish like he's a baby, he's still not going to turn into one.

*I've totally become that person in the room who just wants to hold all the babies. Over the past 2 weeks I've experienced it all; the people who just hand you their kid as you walk into the room because "they know how much you must want to hold a baby"; the people who will hand the baby over upon request but have a very frightened look on their face as though they're thinking "I wonder since she can't have kids if she ever considers stealing babies"; the people who can't wait to hand their baby over to somebody else because they're sick of kids at the moment, and the list could go on and on and on. I can not wait until I am on the other side because I am certain I will be the mom in each of those scenarios at one point or another.

*I've learned that for me there is a big difference in taking offense/being offended and having your feelings hurt. I usually don't get offended, but I get my feelings hurt a lot. I think being offended often involves anger or resentment, and generally I don't get mad at people, or feel anger. But sometimes my heart gets broken and my feelings are hurt which translates into "I'm not mad at anybody I'm just sad" which translates into "I'm embarrassed for being sad and I'd rather be alone all day so nobody looks at me".

*I've learned that the next day is always better. I've had so many rough days this week and my mom would tell me every time "tomorrow will be better" and she was always right.

*I've felt that nobody knows exactly how I feel. Nobody knows how or how much my heart aches every time I see or hear of an irresponsible mother. Nobody knows what I feel like after trying to get pregnant for 3 years. Nobody knows my pain and my desire to raise children. Nobody knows how hard it is to look at the "baby names" list I started in 6th grade. Nobody knows what it feels like for me to cry for 2 hours straight. Nobody knows how it feels for me to not understand why some people can have babies and I can't. Other people may have gone through these things, but nobody knows how it feels for me.

*I've learned that somebody actually does know how I feel. And I am grateful.

I have never felt such heartache as I have recently. I have never felt physical pain over something nonphysical, until the last few days. I have never been so emotionally all over the board, as I have been this past week. I have never been so sad, so heart-broken, so devastated.

It isn't always easy to be upbeat about infertility.
This week it has been hard.
And I want people to know that.
Infertility is a blessing and something that will make you stronger, but it is hard.

But tomorrow will be better.

C and I were discussing quotes to make me feel better last night.
I came up with:
"faith is knowing that someday my heartache will be joy"
C said he read something once that said something like:
"pain/sorrow is just the growing of the organ in our body that has the capacity to love"

Tomorrow will be better.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Most Important Meal of the Day

C and I are happy. We really are.
I love him and I love to make him laugh.
He tells me I'm beautiful every day and tickles my arms each morning.
When we got married my dad gave me some valuable advice.
He said to make a list of everything I love about C and refer to it often.
My list is long.
We hold hands any chance we get, even at home.
We have inside jokes.
He knows things about me that nobody else knows.
I know where he's the most ticklish.
He wraps his arms around me and says "Hi Lovey" every time he comes home from work.
And if there's a good song on Pandora when he gets home from work, he'll take me by the hand and lead me into the living room where we'll dance 1 or 2 songs.

I love marriage advice and I love hearing what works for other people because I think each marriage is entitled to its own personal revelation as to what will work for that marriage, but I also think that we can all learn and grow from each other and each others' marriages.
There are several things that I think contribute to our marriage being so happy and I'm going to share them with you.

1. We read scriptures together each and every morning.
2. We pray out-loud together at least 4 times a day (before scriptures, before he leaves for work, dinner blessing, couples prayers before bedtime and even more if we're at home during the day together).
3. We go to the temple together every week. (Of course we miss weeks here and there).
4. We protect each other. If somebody says something hurtful about either of us, we stand up and defend our spouse.

5. We play games together.
6. We eat dinner together every night. I don't eat until he's home, no. matter. what. And if we're at a buffet style dinner, we don't eat until both of us have filled our plates and sat down.
7. He opens my door for me every time, no matter what, no matter where we are.
8. We try to do service for each other each day.
9. We don't raise our voices. Not only is love important in our marriage but respect is also important and we respect each other far too much to ever, ever, ever yell at one another. Even when other people would think yelling is justified, and even if it might be, we just don't do it.

9. We have Family Home Evening every single Monday. Even if we're not home, we take a minute to sing a Hymn, say a prayer and quickly discuss what we have going on that week.
10. We have (at the bare minimum) weekly finance meetings. We go over where each penny was spent that week, where we can save, and where we can do better next week.
11. We talk every single day about our goals for ourselves, for each other, and as a couple.
12. We check in with each other several times during the day. He'll send me a quick text, or I'll shoot him a simple e-mail. But we never go a full day without saying I love you somewhere in there.
13. We have incredible examples in both of our parents' marriages. We try to emulate all of the good things they do in their marriage, because they are rock solid. How many couples do you know that still dance or play DDR together?

These are a few of the things that I feel have really helped our marriage grow, and it starts out each morning with our spiritual breakfast (reading scriptures together). Breakfast, be it spiritual or physical, is indeed the most important meal of the day.

Here's the recipe for my breakfast yesterday:

1/2 an apple
1/2 a banana
1 orange
1 handful of blackberries
1/2 cup of strawberries
1/2 cup of full-fat vanilla yogurt
3 Tbs. of raw rolled oats

Do you have any good marriage tips? I'd LOVE to hear what you and your love do to stay happy!

Happy Friday.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm Never Going Back Again..Until Next Time

It was a brisk winter evening in Tempe, Arizona. I had just picked up my husband from work and visions of a super-healthy-ovulation/sperm-boosting-dinner danced in our heads. I used my cellular telephone to ask Google where the nearest organic/healthy/expensive food store was located. Google responded with The Sunflower Market. We made our way to the market, and upon arriving C opened my car door, I threw on a man-size large sweatshirt to add to my appropriate ensemble of basketball shorts, an over-sized t-shirt, no bra, and dressy flats, and we marched into Sunflower like we owned the place. Our student loans had just made their way to our bank account so money was no object. $7 extra virgin olive oil? Yes please. Blueberries and strawberries, that aren't in season and are consequently terribly over priced? You bet. It's all in the name of good health, and babies. Our babies are worth a $4 gallon of whole milk and a dollar's worth of lemons that would actually be free from any of our neighbors' ripe citrus trees. Our babies are worth it. We made our way through the produce with the intent of having the most delicious shish kabobs in the world for dinner. We finally purchased everything we came for, and headed towards the check out counter. But what was that we saw? A row of every bean you can think of, in pretty little dispensers, just waiting for me to pull down on the handle and fill a bag to the brim? How could I not! So I did. Limas, pintos, blacks, navies, chick peas, you name it. A pound of this, a pound and a half of that. Brilliant! We marched up to the back of one check out line and were giddy as school children to unload our fresh food. There wasn't a pre-packaged item in our cart and we were proud! As we moved forward in the line, lots of people lined up behind us. No big deal, we'll be in and out with our baby-making food in no time. Then it happened. We made it to the front of the line! We unloaded the garlic, the bananas, the grapes, the asparagus, the parmesan cheese, and of course the endless amount of beans. I watched carefully, as my vitamin loaded foods made their way up the conveyor belt to the cute little gal with the giant calculator and a scale. Time stood still for just a minute as I relished in the moment. It was the first time I can remember not having a budget, and being able to buy whatever the heck I wanted, and choosing to spend my money on healthy food was the cherry on top. But then, just like when Zack Morris would ruin the moment by saying "time in", I was back into reality. I was indeed still in a grocery store, wearing boy clothes, with the exception of my great shoes, and I still was bra-less. And to add the the reality, the clerk then said
"where are the tags?".
Excuse me? The tags?
"What tags?" I asked.
"The tags with the VIN numbers that tell me how much everything costs".
VIN numbers? Tags?! OH CRAP!
I felt my face turn read and I knew I had 2 choices. Be a jerk, or be honest. I chose the latter.
"I am so sorry! This is our first time at this store and I had no idea I needed to put tags on my food."

"It's okay" she says, "just go grab the VIN numbers real quick."

Real quick? REAL QUICK?! There are at least 5 people behind us in line, and I don't even remember what all I bought. So I did the only thing I could. I left C there, with the cashier, and the 5 angry people behind us, to deal with my mess, and I ran back through the store writing down VIN numbers.

It seemed like an eternity for me, and I can only imagine how long it must have felt for C. But I must say, I was back sooner than I had expected. Whew!!

Then another question from the cute check out lady,
"Do you know which VIN's go with which product?"


I talked myself into staying calm, and I even said a little prayer, and then I started to BS my way through assigning VIN's to products.

Little did I know, as she typed a VIN in, the name of the product showed up on her little computer, and with the exception of 1 VIN, I guessed right. Prayers are answered ladies and gentlemen, prayers are answered.

And I hope and pray that eating healthy will provide us with a child, which also would be an answer to prayer.

Because I assure you, if it weren't for our unborn children, I would never step foot in that store again.

There needs to be an orientation for stores like that.

On our way to the car C said,
"Let's just stick with our greasy, un-healthy food. It's easier."

I wanted to agree, but then a phrase used in my home growing up crept into my brain, and this is what I want to leave you with today...

I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it.

And it was. Every. Last. Bite.

Happy Thursday.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Coming To You Live...

...from the laundromat.

Yes, that's the divorce court on tv. Awesome huh?
It's been 3 weeks.
You read that right.
3 weeks.
Nearly a whole month since I last did laundry.
I don't know which is more embarrassing; that it's been 3 weeks or that we have enough clothes to go 3 weeks without doing laundry.
I guess this is the ultimate "airing of dirty laundry" as I spill my guts.
Anyway, I like this laundromat, and I'm able to do like 18 loads at a time.

Today is bean day.
I'm sure my brothers are singing the "beans beans the magical fruit" song right now.
I'll try to do us all a favor make beans a little more dignified than that.
I've had several of you comment or e-mail your favorite bean recipes and some of your other favorites as well.

Christina sent this link.
Jenn loves quinoa (never even heard of it before) and shared this link.
Shayla likes lima beans with a little butter and salt in the microwave.
Angela loves quinoa too and shared this green smoothie recipe:

if you have this stuff, use it:
1/2 avocado
almond milk
frozen mangos
a tiny bit of OJ

if you don't have all that stuff, here's an easier recipe:
tons of spinach
frozen mangos
fresh squeezed OJ

And when I'm looking for super healthy recipes I tend to visit one of 2 sites:
Trainer Momma
And Bridget from Itsahuntlife (click on 'food' on her side bar)

I'm planning on making bean loaf (a bean version of meat loaf) this weekend.
I'll keep you posted.

Thank you all so much for sending recipes in and just being awesome! You guys rock.
And please send me more recipes! I'm loving them!

Now if you'll excuse me while I go put my laundry in the dryer.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

To eat or Not to eat


I'm totally focusing on the foods I can eat.
There's a really big list of foods I can't eat, and I like most of them!
But instead of dwelling on that, here's a list of foods I (mostly) like, some of which are in my fridge as we speak, and are good for ovulation:

whole grains
butter (NOT margarine)
whole milk-in my fridge
yogurt made with whole milk-in my fridge
ice cream made with whole milk
broccoli-in my fridge
peanuts-in my cupboard
snow peas
celery-in my fridge
cucumber-in my fridge
cauliflower-in my fridge
lettuce-in my fridge
green beans-in my cupboard
olive oil
cheese (you guessed it, made with whole milk)-in my fridge

Now, I realize that this is basically a giant list of vegetables and that a person needs more than vegetables. But the reason for all the veg. is 2-fold. First, not a lot of fruit is currently in season. I have been consuming a lot of citrus, and bananas, and grapes. But for the most part, good fruit, and inexpensive fruit is going to have to wait a couple months. And secondly, after Harvard followed 19,000 women over the course of several years, they found out that vegetables (among other healthy stuff) is directly linked to ovulation.

So, I vow to eat more veg.
I had a salad the size of Texas yesterday and though I did indeed drizzle it with Ranch Dressing, the veggies still made it inside my bod nonetheless.

This food list is the base for my meals.
Especially the beans.
Beans are a great source of protein and I've researched a bajillion recipes that have beans be the focal point of the dish.

And that my friends is what you can expect tomorrow.

Yummy, healthy, bean recipes.

Awesome right?

Please oh please if you have any great bean dishes, send them my way. I would LOVE to add them to my recipe collection and share them tomorrow in my bean blog.

Eating healthy hasn't been all that bad so far. But 1 day is a grain of sand compared to the beach I have ahead.

I can do it! We can do it!
Here's to vegetables and ovulation!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday-Did You Know?

It has been so fun researching baby-making foods.
I've learned a ton.
Way too much to share in one day.
I think I'll take 5 days to share it all.
Today I'm going to start with linking you all do my favorite research sites,
and sharing with you key pieces of knowledge I have learned.

The links:
The Fertility Diet
Newsweek's Take on TFD
Boston Channel's Take on TFD
USNews' Take on TFD

I learned from reading those articles (some of them are 9 pages long!) that when trying to conceive, slow carbs are better than fast carbs.

I didn't know what slow carbs and fast carbs were, nor did I know what foods fit into which category. So here's some more stuff I found.

Info. on fast carbs
Info. on slow carbs
A food list
Another food list

I learned that if pure glucose breaking down in our body is registered as 100, then we would want to eat food that breaks down at a much lower registered number, like 15-50. (I still have a lot to learn about this, so if you have extra information or if I've said something wrong, please let me know!)

After I read up on a lot of this stuff I made a list of foods I want to avoid, foods I want to eat less of, foods that are neither here nor there, and foods I want to eat a lot of.

It's a long list, so I'll give you a preview and then post the whole thing tomorrow.

white flour

Eat Less Of:
beets (just cuz they're gross)

Neither Here Nor There:

Eat A Lot Of:
snow peas
whole milk

I know that's a lot to digest for today (sorry I couldn't help it), so I will leave this with you until tomorrow.

I had an enormous salad for lunch, and it felt good!
I plan on having something similar, but a bit more tasty for dinner.
Updates to come!

P.S. Our giveaway winner doesn't live in the area and therefor can't travel to Emily's house to get her toes done, so I will be picking a new winner tomorrow for the Glitter Toes Giveaway!

Happy Monday!

Good Morning!

Up and at 'em
Rise and shine
Rise and shout, the cougars are out

What did you wake up to as a kid?

I always thought my mom was talking about some guy named Adam when she'd say
"up and at'em"

Anyway. It's a beautiful morning.
I'm awake and have been working diligently on finishing the "good" and the "naughty" list for fertility foods.
I'm also working on the menu and shopping list.

It's not done yet, but it will be and I will post it soon.

Until then, I hope you're Monday morning is as bright and happy as can be!

Happy Monday Morning!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Thanks to all of your who entered this week's giveaway.
I realize if you're not local you kind of got left out.
I'll do my best to fix that a.s.a.p. :)
The winner of the Glitter Toes Giveaway is:

Congrats Amy Jo! (I'm assuming the Glitter Toes aren't for Shane)

E-mail by Monday to claim your prize!

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!
I'll probably be found drinking my last rootbeer this evening before the 'diet' starts on Monday.


I'm Excited About This

Hi friends.
First and foremost, if you haven't entered the giveaway, do it now. NOW!
I'll announce the winner later this evening.
Secondly, I've been doing some research.
Barnes and Noble doesn't carry The Fertility Diet yet so I've been reading every online article I can get my eyes on.
I've gained a plethora of knowledge and I can't wait to share with you what I've learned.
So here's what you can expect on next week's Monday-Did You Know:

*links to all of the research I've done
*my personal summary of what I've learned
*a list of foods I will avoid in 2011
*a list of foods I will embrace in 2011
*my dinner menu for the next 5 months
*my shopping list for the next 5 months

I'm determined to eat better, and be better in 2011 and I want to bring as many of you with me as I can.
Because everything's better together right?
So who's with me?!
Stop back by on Monday to start the Spoiled Eggs Fertility Diet with C and me.
{ Even if you're not trying to get prego, this is just good for health in general. }


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Is It Friday Yet?

We've had a great week.
I love the balance of fun-filled, with a little bit of demanding.
I got things done, but had time to play too.

For instance, I redecorated the family room.

I really like the simplicity and the splash of color among the neutrals.

It's not totally perfect yet, but it's getting there.

We also threw a part for our Primary Class.
We decorated sugar cookies.

And we had one of the most beautiful sunsets I've seen in a while.

Other highlights of the week included;

*playing Settlers of Catan almost every night in bed
*a leisurely night on the town to exchange some Christmas gifts
*the beautiful weather
*C finishing up a side-project that was cutting into our together time

I hope you're all having a great week.

Happy Thursday.

P.S. Don't forget, today's the last full day to enter the giveaway! Tell yo wives, yo kids, and tell yo husbands too.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


My brother and his family visited last weekend so I made pie.

The company was good.

The time to relax and have fun was good.

And the pie was good.

Happy Wednesday.

And don't forget about the giveaway.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday Tells-Resolute

Resolute; firm, unyielding, determined.
Resolution; a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner.

This year, I resolutely resolve to;

be better.

She put it well.

2011 will hopefully, and prayerfully, be the year of the baby.
2011 will also be a year of accepting it if it's not.
2011 will be a year of me loving my husband more completely.
2011 will be a year of me loving myself more completely.
2011 will be a year of graduation; educationally and in life.
2011 will be the best year yet.

Welcome 2011.

Happy Tuesday.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Dear readers,

Yesterday was Spoiled Eggs' 1st birthday.
What a year it has been.

January 2010:
Spoiled Eggs began

February 2010:
I started on Clomid and had the. worst. hot. flashes. ever.

March 2010:
I worked in the same office as C and we pretended to be Jim and Pam.

April 2010:
I went on a month-long blogging break. Boo.

May 2010:
I celebrated my mother.

June 2010:
I contemplated why not having kids can be a positive thing.

July 2010:
We started filling out paperwork for adoption.

August 2010:
Spoiled Eggs hosted its first ever giveaway.

September 2010:
We became certified for adoption.

October 2010:
We had Man Week and you met My Dad.

November 2010:
We met 4 MWMW amazing moms!

December 2010:
I was reminded about the blessings in my life.

It has been such an incredible year and I am so grateful to you, my readers.
I look forward to your e-mails and your stories.
I love running into you on the streets (thanks for introducing yourselves)
Thanks for listening to my adventures and thoughts on infertility.

To celebrate the birthday of this blog, I think a giveaway is in order.

Might I direct your attention to your left.
There you shall see a couple of new sponsors.
** Dear other sponsors, I will get your buttons up shortly. Promise.**
Sponsors rock.
They make stuff possible.

This giveaway is from Emily Yeager.
Emily does Glitter Toes.
A must.

Glitter Toes are a gel application that takes about 20 min to do and lasts for 6-8+ weeks depending on how fast your toe-nails grow.

They are instantly dry when we are done and are thinner than acrylic toes.

You get your cuticles all cleaned up and toes shaped in the process.

They come in a collection of colors that you choose and are only $20.

Age 12 and under are $15.

If you host a party of 6 or more, you get yours for free!

And the best part?

The winner of this giveaway will gets yours for free!! :)

So Happy Birthday To You!

To enter, visit Emily's Adorable Blog, leave her some love, and then leave a comment here.

If you're infertile, if you were adopted, if you're a birth mother, or if you're a mother who has adopted children, you may leave 2 comments.

Winner will be announced on Friday, January 7.
Now, go spoil yourselves and enter this giveaway!

Good luck everyone, and seriously, thanks for stopping by and reading.

Happy Monday.