You know, this is a question we get asked a lot, and a question we think about a lot. The state of Illinois has wonderful health insurance coverage that by law must include infertility treatments. Before we knew adoption was our path, this played a large part in us choosing to move to Chicago when we had several other options. For such a long time I really felt like IVF was the way to go for us, and then one day, it just wasn't. This has always been, and will always be a matter of prayer for Collin and me, and sometimes answers to our prayers don't come right away, and sometimes the answers change, and so it's not always easy to say.
Let me tackle each question individually.
1. Will we ever adopt again? We hope so! Looking back on Nolan's adoption and the series of miracles that lead us to Makenzie and Nolan, we realize that all things considered, it couldn't have been more perfect. So why wouldn't we adopt again?! We met the most wonderful birth mother, we have the son we know was supposed to be ours, and our lives are pretty stinking great right now because of it. But we also know that it might not be as easy next time. Or we could possibly get certified for adoption in Illinois, put our name "out there" and it could take 5 years, or never, for us to be placed with another miracle baby. We've prayed about this, and still don't have our answer so I suppose for now the answer is, we hope so! Or maybe the answer is 'yes' we're just not sure when.
2. Will we ever consider fertility treatments? Again, this has been and will continue to be a matter of prayer for us. After such an incredible adoption experience part of me says, why would I ever want to do anything different than adoption?! But as nature intended, there is still this hunger inside of me to be pregnant, feel life growing inside of me, and give birth. So just like #1. we aren't really sure. Maybe, but not right now. :)
3. Are we happy with just one child? The answer is absolutely YES! In fact, we've never been happier than we are now with "just 1 child". We feel whole, we feel complete, and if God doesn't have it in our plans to be parents to any other children on this Earth, that's okay. That being said, if God has it in His plans for us to have 10 more kids, that's okay with us too. We've both always wanted a pretty big family, and so being so happy and content with "just 1" is such a blessing and a gift, but we will take as many kids as The Lord will give us!
Thanks for the questions, this was fun! See you back here tomorrow!
Happy Monday!
***Every day this week I will be answering a question or two from you, the Spoiled Eggs Readers. Feel free to leave an additional question in any of the comment sections, or to send an e-mail to {myspoiledeggs@gmail .com}. Enjoy! :)