I'm excited for today's question because it's the question I get asked the very most.

Oh the birth announcement...it's been featured in a French magazine, which I had to completely translate, only to find out the entire article was about whether or not we are setting our son up for a lifetime of crime and failure. It's been (or so I've been told, I'm not so good at Pinterest yet) pinned on Pinterest. And the whole thing started out as somewhat of a joke.
It all started with the outfit. That black and white striped outfit you see Nolan wearing happens to be the very first baby outfit we ever bought. I fell in love with it, and Collin liked it, but thought it would make our baby look like a prisoner. That was that. It hung in our bedroom for months and months. I would look at it with fondness and affection, and little did I know, Collin was looking at it scheming up a clever little birth announcement for the baby yet to be born.
Then Nol was born, we were in Idaho for a few weeks while paperwork was being processed. We had a new baby, time on our hands, and I asked Collin (an industrial designer) to design a baby announcement we could send to all of our family who seemed so far away. He pretty much said, "Do you trust me?" I, of course, said "sure" and he said, put the prison outfit on Nolan and let's take some pictures. So we did.
I wasn't totally sure where Collin was going with it, but pretty soon he called me over and he had Photoshopped his way to this:
I thought it was super funny, and so we sent it to our family. They thought it was funny too. And that was that.
I know, you don't really care about the story behind it. You want to know if you can make your own, or buy the template, or have Collin make one for you.
Here's the good news...
Right now there is no template, however, we are working on a Collin, Ashlee, and Nolan Shop that should be up within the next month or so which will feature several prints I've created for Nolan's nursery, a few toys Collin has designed and built, and custom-made baby announcements. So in the near future, yes, you will be able to have a felon of your very own. Woo hoo!
Thanks for stopping by for Day 2. Don't forget to come back tomorrow for Day 3.
Happy Tuesday!
***Every day this week I will be answering a question or two from you, the Spoiled Eggs Readers. Feel free to leave an additional question in any of the comment sections, or to send an e-mail to {myspoiledeggs@gmail .com}. Enjoy! :)