Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Bug

::Photo by Kaeli Wiltbank Photography::

We've been talking a lot about baby #2 lately. When will it be? Who will it be? How will it be? Etc. Sometimes I forget that we are infertile. Other times it slaps me in the face and sticks around for a while. But one thing is for certain, and that's that our little Nolan is such a miracle baby and that our lives have been blessed so much by adoption. And whenever baby #2 arrives, he/she will be a lucky little sweetheart to have Nolan as a big brother. Infertility stinks, even after you have a baby, but there are so many blessings we have to count in the meantime. And at the end of the day, our blessings WAY outweigh our struggles.

Thanks to all of you who called/texted/commented about my dad's procedure. It couldn't have gone any better. Thanks for your prayers and concern!