The INCREDIBLE Tiffany took some photos of Nolan a little while back. I just recently got to see the finished product and I am so in love with how she captured my little guy and the love I have for him.

Thanks so much Tiffany!! {See the whole set here. And if you live anywhere near Chicago, book her!}
This weekend is one I've looked forward to for quite some time because I have...wait for it...NOTHING on my calendar! In our future I see:
A trip to H&M to find some jeans and boots for Nol (We lost a pair of jeans and a boot this week. Don't ask, because I don't have an answer.)
Season 2 of Downton Abbey
Lots of ice cream
Pajamas and white onesies
A low-key, at home, Redbox date with my love
Eating what's left of an enormous box of Arizona oranges (Thanks ma and pa Smith!)
And (if I'm lucky) some Thai food to go along with that Redbox movie
I hope you all have a really great weekend!
Happy Friday!

Thanks so much Tiffany!! {See the whole set here. And if you live anywhere near Chicago, book her!}
This weekend is one I've looked forward to for quite some time because I have...wait for it...NOTHING on my calendar! In our future I see:
A trip to H&M to find some jeans and boots for Nol (We lost a pair of jeans and a boot this week. Don't ask, because I don't have an answer.)
Season 2 of Downton Abbey
Lots of ice cream
Pajamas and white onesies
A low-key, at home, Redbox date with my love
Eating what's left of an enormous box of Arizona oranges (Thanks ma and pa Smith!)
And (if I'm lucky) some Thai food to go along with that Redbox movie
I hope you all have a really great weekend!
Happy Friday!