Monday, August 22, 2011

Make Over Madness Part 1

(our infertility/adoption MIRACLE ^ yesterday in his Sunday-best! )

My Spoiled Eggs is changing, and in my opinion it's due time! There are so many of us out there who deal with infertility or the effects of infertility every day and I think we can all gain so much from each other. I know when we first got "the news" it was so comforting to talk to a brother who had been through the same thing, a doctor who knew all about infertility, another woman who had recently adopted, or a family of 5 who had medically kicked infertility in the rump. In fact, I don't know how I would have gotten through some of my roughest moments without knowing that other people had been there, done that, and come out better on the other side.

I want to pass that gift along. There are so many of you out there whom I've had the privilege of "meeting" via blog-land and I really, really want other people to know you too. So here's the plan...

Starting Monday September 5th, My Spoiled Eggs will be featuring you and your blog for free. On my left side-bar there will be links, buttons, and the like, of all things and all people infertility. My hope is to create a supportive community and a sisterhood/brotherhood of people who have knowledge and experience with infertility.

So, if you have a blog about infertility that you would like me to link to, or if you have a button you'd like me to share, please send it to


no later than Monday, August 29th.

I also want to mention that if you have a blog that makes money, or a shop you think those dealing with infertility might benefit from, I will be offering my other side bar to you, at a very cheap rate. I would just like to differentiate between the no-strings-attached, open arms, community support group and the monetary side of blogging. I think both have their place, but to me, My Spoiled Eggs is more about the community and support.

I know this is a lot of words and might be confusing, so I will summarize:

Monday August 22 - Monday August 29:
Send me a link or a button to your blog about infertility, adoption, etc. for a FREE spot on the My Spoiled Eggs sidebar


Monday September 5:
My Spoiled Eggs' makeover will be finished and a new My Spoiled Eggs (with YOU as the main stars) will be featured

If you would like to "sponsor" My Spoiled Eggs please e-mail me {} and we can discuss.

You all have helped me so much, and I want us all to be able to continue to help each other. So if you have friends that are dealing with infertility and 1. write a blog about it or 2. want to read a blog about it, send them this way. Have them send me a link or a button to their blog too.

This is a great opportunity to join forces and help each other out.

I can't wait to hear from you and to get this My Spoiled Eggs make over going!

Stay tuned for some more make over madness tomorrow.

And go tell your friends!!!!

Happy Monday!