Out to dinner at St. Francis in Phoenix with Coll's siblings and their spouses- - best food ever BTW
We're moving soon. To Chicago. We're really excited. It's going to be a bundle of changes all at once with baby boy, Coll starting grad. school, and moving 1,752 miles happening all within about 5 weeks, but really, we're very excited!
I'm a large proponent of pros and cons lists. So naturally, when we were given the opportunity to move across the country, I weighed it all out.
The Pros:
* in 1994 Illinois passed the "Family Building Act" requiring that all health insurance providers cover infertility treatment/diagnostics
* before there were the Diamondbacks there were the Cubs. I've been a loyal Cubs-fan my whole life, and when you all sing "for it's root, root, root for the home-team" in stead of "root root root for the Cubbies", you're singing it wrong
* Chicagoans dye the river green on St. Patrick's Day
* there is no such thing as 120° in The Windy City
* white Christmases
* great public transportation
* the thrift stores, OHHH the thrift stores
* it's a really cool place to visit (insert hint for family and friend visits here)
* we'll be only a 13 hour drive from family we don't get to see as often as we'd like
* getting to know a brand new city, full of rich history
* the first few years of baby boy's life will be spent getting to know his grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles via Skype rather than real life hugs and kisses (thank heaven for Skype though)
* I swear the year we're moving is the year everything cool is happening in AZ
* we're leaving most of our family behind, and that's the very hardest part, in fact when I hang out with my brother these days, I find myself crying on the way home (nobody told me that pregnancy hormones come when you're adopting)
As you can see, the pros outweighed the cons, so come July we're making our way to the home of the best pizza I've ever had, which really, should be reason enough to move.
So, does anybody know anything about Chicago? Safe places to live? Good places to eat? Take a car, no need for a car? Send your Chicago info. my way if you please.
Oh, and Happy Tuesday