Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kind People

Sometimes I get so sick of hearing about all of the bad stuff that goes on this world. Like really, really sick of it. (Does that stop me from watching Law and Order? No way! It's the real-life, non-fiction, bad stuff that makes me sad.) I think we (okay, I) totally dwell on it too much, too. But the truth is, for every bad act, every misdeed, every troubled person, and every bad thing, there are 100 good things, good people, and good deeds. I have been SO fortunate and blessed to have been the recipient of so many acts of kindness and good deeds.

For example, shortly after we met our sweet birth mom, Kenz, I got an e-mail from the amazing Becki at Whippy Cake.

She told me how happy she was for us and said a million other sweet things, and then she gave both me AND Kenzi a hugely generous gift-card to Whippy Cake. I was stunned. And I think about that every day. Every time I walk past the sweet bows and headbands from Becki, I remember how good people are.

Just recently we were again blessed with an incredible act of kindness. You see, Nolan hasn't had a highchair and he's well...9 months old. So we've been putting him on a kitchen chair and tying him to the chair with one of my belts. (Please don't call CPS!! :)) It sounds worse than it was, and really it totally worked for us, it was no big deal, and Nolan sure didn't know any different. We tried not to complain, although Collin was better at that than I was, and we just went with it!

Then one day, my buzzer rang, I called downstairs, and it was the UPS man. I wasn't expecting a package but who says 'no' when somebody says they have a box for you?! Not me! So I ran downstairs, and saw a big box with Nolan's name on it. I was so excited, so I took it upstairs, called Nolan over and we started opening it. Inside was a highchair. A HIGHCHAIR!! I could NOT believe it. I was on the phone with my mom at the time, and we were both just in shock, and the most shocking thing of all? It was a totally anonymous gift. I researched for days trying to find somebody to say 'thank you' to but whoever this kind person was, went to great lengths to be anonymous!

That first day with the highchair was so special for us. (I know that sounds silly, it's just a highchair, but really, it was great.) Each time I'd walk past it I'd just cry and cry out of shear gratitude and awe at the kindness of somebody. And Nolan, bless his little heart, was in HEAVEN!! He had a tray, a cup-holder, and he was up high enough to see the world! AND he would sit long enough in the high chair for me to clean the kitchen, make dinner, unload the dishwasher, or whatever.

I don't know how we got so lucky, and so blessed, but we really have seen the hand of God in our lives through some amazingly generous and kind people.

We still have no idea who sent us that highchair, but if that person is reading this,

THANK YOU!! You will never know how much it meant to us that you saw a need, and fulfilled it. That you were kind enough to think of us. That you gave us a gift that is way more than just a highchair. And that you did so, so humbly, without wanting thanks or attention. THANK YOU!!

Now, it's my goal, my job, my responsibility, and I know it will be my pleasure, to find ways I can be the giver, the server, and the one to give love to somebody else.

Happy Wednesday!

P.S. Thank you so so so much for all of your help with the upcoming gala!