This week I've been reading some of the things I wrote on this blog a year ago. It was a time in our lives when we were really trying to eat right, to get healthy, to ovulate, and to get pregnant. Sometimes I was gun-ho, happy, and motivated to get my health in order. Sometimes I was sad, down in the dumps, and feeling like I'd never be a mother. What I didn't know this time a year ago is that in less than 1 month we'd get the greatest e-mail either of us had ever seen. In less than one month we'd 'meet' Makenzie, and our lives would change forever, for the better. I had NO idea what was coming and so I was dwelling on the here, the now, and the sad.
As I've read and re-read about those feelings and moments in my life, I've learned something.
I've learned that sometimes when life is the hardest, it's because something beautiful is right around the corner.
I've learned that sometimes we have to put in a little extra hard work to show ourselves, others, and God that we are ready and willing to do whatever it takes, in when we do that, God sees and hears us, and always blesses us for our efforts.
I've learned that it's okay to have hard days, and sad days, just as it's great to have upbeat days and proactive days. Both can be productive.
And I've learned that when life seems impossible, if we just push a little harder, endure a little better, and last a little longer, a door will open.

I can't believe it's been nearly a year since we first met Makenzie. I'm going to spend this month revisiting that time in our lives to pay tribute and to celebrate the most amazing experience we've ever had. To celebrate Makenzie and the incredible strength she has. To celebrate adoption and the miracle it is. To celebrate Nolan and the blessing he is in our lives. To celebrate Collin and the supportive, and incredible man he is for taking such good care of me before and after. And to celebrate our little family of 3.
I've learned that sometimes when life is the hardest, it's because something beautiful is right around the corner.
I've learned that sometimes we have to put in a little extra hard work to show ourselves, others, and God that we are ready and willing to do whatever it takes, in when we do that, God sees and hears us, and always blesses us for our efforts.
I've learned that it's okay to have hard days, and sad days, just as it's great to have upbeat days and proactive days. Both can be productive.
And I've learned that when life seems impossible, if we just push a little harder, endure a little better, and last a little longer, a door will open.

I can't believe it's been nearly a year since we first met Makenzie. I'm going to spend this month revisiting that time in our lives to pay tribute and to celebrate the most amazing experience we've ever had. To celebrate Makenzie and the incredible strength she has. To celebrate adoption and the miracle it is. To celebrate Nolan and the blessing he is in our lives. To celebrate Collin and the supportive, and incredible man he is for taking such good care of me before and after. And to celebrate our little family of 3.
Miracles happen.