Back in January, C and I declared 2010 'The Year of the BABY'!
Now, nearing the end of December, it's looking like 2011 will have to be dubbed 'The Actual Year of the BABY'!
2010 was hard.
As my infertility grew on me, so did a lot of other things.
I let myself go, if you will.
I started to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, including a nightly bowl of ice cream, usually while sitting in my bed.
Awesome huh?
I always planned on being the cutest mom ever. But when the mom part didn't happen, neither did the cute part.
I became a grump, and a frump.
My sweet C always told me I was so beautiful and I love him for that. Among other things.
But I never really felt beautiful.
I felt fat, ugly, and infertile.
I let my hair grow out, and although I would occasionally trim my own bangs, that was the extent of my hair care.
Infertility made me feel worthless, and I did my darndest to put my game face on, but truth be told, I not only felt worthless, I was starting to let it show.
I talked about getting a makeover, but those cost money, and I wasn't willing to spend money on that type of thing.
I joined a gym, and I'm sure you can guess how that turned out.
I talked about cutting my own hair just to mix it up a little, but thank the heavens I never went through with it.
And then, one day, it happened.
Now, nearing the end of December, it's looking like 2011 will have to be dubbed 'The Actual Year of the BABY'!
2010 was hard.
As my infertility grew on me, so did a lot of other things.
I let myself go, if you will.
I started to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, including a nightly bowl of ice cream, usually while sitting in my bed.
Awesome huh?
I always planned on being the cutest mom ever. But when the mom part didn't happen, neither did the cute part.
I became a grump, and a frump.
My sweet C always told me I was so beautiful and I love him for that. Among other things.
But I never really felt beautiful.
I felt fat, ugly, and infertile.
I let my hair grow out, and although I would occasionally trim my own bangs, that was the extent of my hair care.
Infertility made me feel worthless, and I did my darndest to put my game face on, but truth be told, I not only felt worthless, I was starting to let it show.
I talked about getting a makeover, but those cost money, and I wasn't willing to spend money on that type of thing.
I joined a gym, and I'm sure you can guess how that turned out.
I talked about cutting my own hair just to mix it up a little, but thank the heavens I never went through with it.
And then, one day, it happened.

I did it. :)
And though I'm absolutely still infertile, I don't feel so blah anymore. I might not be a cute mom, but I'm a cute infertile woman!
I love it.
It's amazing what a little hair cut can do.
My dear friend just beat cancer, and inspired me to donate my 12 inches and 2 lbs of hair to Locks of Love.
I feel like it's a win win.
Merry Christmas to me.

Thanks for looking at the world's most self-centered, narcissistic post, of all time.
Merry Monday!